

Ruins & Historic Sites|Otepää linn, Valga County

Here You can see the ruins of the first known brick building in Estonia on top of the Otepää Hill...

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Hiking Trails|Mäe tänav 23, Otepää linn, Valga County 67403

Apteekrimäe forest track starts and ends by Otepää Sports Hall on Mäe Street. The 4 km track...

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Sculptures & Monuments|Otepää linn, Valga County

The Estonian blue-black-and-white national flag waves in the highest flagstaff in Estonia – on the...

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Museums & Galleries|Tõrva vald, Kirikuküla, Valga County 68611

Helme Parish Museum is located in the village of Kirikuküla in the former rectory of Helme church...

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Hiking Trails|Pargi tänav 2, Tõrva vald, Hummuli alevik, Valga County 68410

While hiking at Hummuli health trail everyone can feel like becoming one with nature - silence...

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Hiking Trails|Otepää vald, Kääriku küla, Valga County 67309

In summer you can hike on the Kääriku recreational trails and in winter you can ski along the...

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Churches|Valga vald, Lüllemäe küla, Valga County 68116

Karula Church has been working in the converted manor granary since 1997. The most special feature...

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Hiking Trails|Otepää vald, Kääriku küla, Valga County 67309

The Kekkonen hiking track can be used all year round – in summer for hiking, jogging and cycling...

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Hiking Trails|Kolga tee , Otepää linn, Valga County 67405

The hiking trail that encircles Lake Pühajärv starts near the centre of Otepää Nature Park. The...

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Ruins & Historic Sites|Tõrva vald, Ala küla, Valga County 68507

Ala Cemetery is not far from Taagepera and the chapel of the first Estonian squire Mats Eredell is...

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