

Hotel|Karja tänav 6, Tõrva linn, Valga County 68606

All the rooms in this hotel have female names with the last letter A instead of numbers. Anna, Dora...

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Hotel|Otepää linn, Valga County 67405

Hotel Karupesa is located in the vicinity of the Tehvandi ski stadium and skiing tracks...

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Hotel|Lille tänav 6b, Otepää linn, Valga County 67404

Hotel Lille is located in the centre of Otepää in a street of the same name. The hotel is a great...

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Hotel|Julius Kuperjanovi tänav 63, Valga linn, Valga County 68207

Hotel Metsis is a small, secure and cosy hotel in the quiet district of the centre of Valga. The...

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Hotel|Valga maantee 23a, Otepää linn, Valga County 67403

Hotel Murakas is located just a stone’s throw from Tehvandi Ski Stadium. The magnificent...

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Holiday house|Otepää vald, Arula küla, Valga County 67411

Järve Talu Holiday House is located 10 km from Otepää towards Arula on the shore of Lake...

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Holiday house|Otepää vald, Tõutsi küla, Valga County 67303

At almost a hundred years old, Joosti Holiday House is a private and cosy place to stay in Valga...

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Hotel|Otepää vald, Kääriku küla, Valga County 67309

Kääriku Sports Centre is located 12 km south from Otepää. The Kääriku Sports Centre is a...

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Holiday house|Tutimäe tee , Otepää vald, Kääriku küla, Valga County 67309

In August 2020, five team houses were added to the Kääriku Sports Centre. The team houses are for...

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Holiday house|Valga vald, Korkuna küla, Valga County 68009

Kaldavere Farm is located 25 km from Valga on the Valge-Mõniste-Võru highway. The old farmhouse...

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